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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happi Teachers'Dae to all the wonderful teachers in Nan Hua High and JWPS !!! Todae had alot of fun in mi pri sch Lolx(: Meant to meet Miss Lim but she is sick.. Get well soon, we miss euu alot! So make do with Miss Loke and Nr Kong.. Also meet alot of former classmates and frenz (; So much fun tt I can't possibly describe, NH also got celebrate lah but then luv the performance by the dance members most, lol.. Too bad it dragged to 12pm, so most things we have planned cannot be done.. Haix.. pity Mdm Loo transfer to Lakeside pri, come back leh, Mdm Loo.. Miss euu alot too!! Most of the things still remain the same but I feel more freedom cause we r no longer studying there so the teachers r more relax with us.. So happy! I luv spenting the time chatting with Miss Loke and talk abt our sec sch.. How I hope Miss Lim and Mdm Loo were there too! Still, I am not use to the food to be so cheap compare to sec sch.. I mean I can buy almost 4 lunch with jus $2 onli [= and I eat till I am so full! Miss seeing mi frenz the most, most of them have change and grow much more taller than mi ): But I have also grown too, so (; Miss euu alot, JWPS, mus always r3m3mb3r all the memories there!
I think of celebrating the next teachers'dae with JWPSrians so see all of euu next year!

Blogged @ 9:22 PM
Don't let me go -

Monday, August 28, 2006

Why ppl always have to be so scary, for one thing, U thought U know her veri well but suddenly, the whole world turn upside down.. They always have to have these bad emos, hate, jealous.. Is it really difficult to have frenz hu U are comfortable with ur secrets, suddenly I feel lky this world can't be trusted.. There are exceptions though, lky frenz in mi pri sch but their world is still different from mine, lky exams and project are all on different dates, euu can't even made assumptions ani more.. How can I possibly know how they feel and ppl can be.. Oh well, jus impossible.. I feel lky this whole world can't help mi with my probs cause some secrets are private, tat u can't shared them with.. If u do, u will regret it.. Sooner or ltr.. Haix, life is never ever fair, ppl can get up to thing u thought is impossible, but it can happen.. to euu or to mi, jus see who is lucky enough then.. Feeling so confused..

Blogged @ 8:43 PM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Everything is fine now after I have this big fight with my frenz on the msn messenger, I think it's the 1st time they see mi lost my temper, lolx =] It is actually the 1st biggest fight I had ever had with her and I know we still remain frenz cause of believing in each other.. Aniway, having this fight made mi realise frenz is an important part of mi.. I lost a best fren though when we are adapting to Nan Hua but lost can be gain back but somehow our friendship seems to end although I try hard, I can't understand how her mind works ani more.. She seems more scary and distance from us than ever although she is jus a few steps away from us.. Why? I ask euu why mus they made mi understand the importance of frenz by having to broke my frenz heart and why mus they take away one of my fren 4eva??? I hate to tell euu this, but I still feel hurt whenever I think abt it, I hope it can be gone from my memories 4eva as the time pass.. Isn't time supposed to heal our wounds? We may be fren again but why mus I still feel hurt by nth more than words? Words can't hurt rite, I dun understand.. Not willing to try ani more, jus need some time b4, pls dun mind mi when I keep quiet 4 some times it is cause I think of sth, sry esp luhong, didn't mean to but somehow I jus can't talk.. Do u understand how whenever euu try to talk but with each word ur heart seems to ache? I dun wish to speak animore than euu do

Blogged @ 9:15 PM
Don't let me go -

Friday, August 25, 2006

Why frenz can hurt euu so deep, euu dun know when euu can ever speak to them... Even if they are angry after the training, I understand but why euu have to scold mi.. I didn't tell them I am sick, I jus sneeze tat's all, I definetely nvr tell them euu scold mi to cause mi to cry, whether euu believe it or not. U think I wan it to happen, I dun even know why she cry and when I came.. why all I get was a scolding. If I think things is jus lky a fairytale.. I am wrong, why nth is ever fair? I wan to go to sch tmr with euu and nth.. I wan to speak to u, nth.. I also sick and tired, but maybe u more than mi, but why.. Everything is my fault, I am not a gd fren, not true to u cause I go out with other frenz, not loyal to u cause I tell someone whenever I feel hurt by all of euu.. Tell mi is this fair then??? I really treat euu as my fren, I can also feel hurt when both of u whisper secret, but I never really listen when both of u talk.. I have secrets to tell u, but both of u know and never share with mi abt ur things sometimes.. Even if the others speak up 4 mi, they have their own best frenz too.. Noone ever understand, not now, not ever...

Blogged @ 8:41 PM
Don't let me go -

Monday, August 21, 2006

I will be veri grateful if I can be leave alone once in a while.. I am starting to think, living in another wurl will be much better than now.. Wat does this wurl have? Love, Hate, Jealous, Envy, aniway from wat I see, the evil overcome the good.. I wan to escape from here, where I can live with mi memories,, Wat good will it be if I can't live the life I longed for.. It onli cause mi miseries, if noone on this wurl left is worth 4 mi to live on.. I hope to go someplace, amazing where I can find my own soul-mate.. Whenever I see both of my bestest and closest frenz are starting to leave mi alone, I feel lky ending my sufferings.. I hate to live on in fright animore, if this whole wurl are connected with one another.. Let mi be, I wan live with earth, fire, ice and air, and ply a game with myself.. If I can find a life better somewhere else, can I go now? I am tired.. Tired of this game, if euu let mi suffer so much, may as well let mi off earlier.. What is there to live 4, I know if it is wrong, jus turn the other way round, but does it matter? I have turn around so mani times, I am confused and afraid of this whole wurl, why.. It always have to be mi? Jus leave mi alone for once, will euu..

Blogged @ 8:28 PM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Can U leave mi alone, cause I hate U.. U wan know the reasons, cause I scared of U, will that do? I hate it.. The problem with U is, U lky to tease too much, do U know I hate U so if U leave mi alone.. I wil be veri grateful, I dun lky to go to sch much cause I hate U.. Why??? Why must everyone tease mi??? If U lky to tease, why dun U be teased too??? Then, U know how I feels.. Teasing is not too bad, but if all of U go too far, I will really explode one dae.. Why.. Why all of U.. Dun U all have feelings too.. I dun dare to speak but U never ask why.. So I won't if U dun know wat's wrong, cause its U!!! Why, I walked to sch also can met ppl hu teased mi.. Tmr, if I get tease again.. I won't say anithing to U or anione animore.. Cause I hate it when all of euu go too far! I can't concentrate cause of all of euu!!!

Blogged @ 8:21 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Life's not a fairytale.. No, they are not.. They can be veri scary and might even frighten U.. Life jus isn't prefect.. but it can be tmr or even next year.. I jus went tWhat is there to cheer abt when someone in this world is cold and lonely??? What is there to chat abt when U dunno how someone is gonna survive through the dae??? What is there to read abt when U dun wan to know animore??? It is all going to end one dae.. Maybe not now, but noone understand.. Not now or ever.. Everybody jus went abt as if nth happens when U r alone and suffering.. I jus wan to end all this, can I dun go to sch tmr? No way.. But I dun feel lky it, hu cares? Aniway, U can scold or even beat mi, I dun care le.. I jus feel alone in my world, so wat if noone is there.. U jus have to believe in urself =] I believe in alot of things, although I know they might not exist, but hu knows? Noone can be certain, U jus have to believe in ur dreams.. I know why, I know how, I finally understand..

Blogged @ 6:02 PM
Don't let me go -

Monday, August 07, 2006

I dun feel lky going to sleep tonite, I am not even abit tired cause I keep thinking of somethings.. Will it be better if I tell all my secrets to a trusted fren??? I think but I can't find anione suitable except for her.. The others will onli tease mi and I am tired of it, VERI tired! Is teasing ani good aniway, it onli hurts other ppl's feelings although I am frens with them, I jus dun dare to tell them in case.. Have anione ever thought of how one feels other than ur close frenz??? No, they won't cause ppl are born to be selfish and will do anithing to forget abt U.. Can't we be fair to all? After all, all ppl on this earth are somehow connected to each other, no matter U lky it or not.. Being fair is the onli way to keep urself from being gobbled up by 'S', and I hate myself for that.. I think I gonna burst, so what if I am friend with her? I still can't get rid of my feelings inside mi.. I hate to hurt anione cause I try it be4 and in turn, U will also get hurt one way or the other.. I feel so empty inside mi so what if the whole world dun care abt mi? I am already died long time ago and locked all my heart and soul where noone willl ever guess of it, so maybe I will feel better that way.. Yea, after the short pain will come eternal peace..

Blogged @ 11:22 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Do U know why.. why I ask myself.. I jus noe I feel hurt.. Since U does not wan mi to be around, I will jus go.. I dun really hate U but why must U do this even if U r angry??? I can be angry too, I also have feelings jus lky U.. Do U ever understand how a person feels? With ur best fren by ur side, all of u dun ever feel lonely but I do.. Have U all ever understand why I must cry cause I hate miself for not being able to get to BPGH.. I jus wan to be alone if U all jus wan to tease mi.. I hate it when all of u tease mi too much.. If u all hate it too, why do this to ur frens? They also hate it too, I jus want to cry but I dun dare.. Until now, I feel veri hurt when U.. even if U r joking, it can hurt, U jus dunno abt it.. How a joke can also hurt deep inside U.. I wan to go back where I was before I was born maybe all these will past.. Do u know why? why I will ask U instead, why humans mus also feel Joy, Anger, Sorrow, Happiness *JASH* without 's', it will be incomplete, jus lky without joy, we will onli know our own pain.. Will the world be born if we dun have JASH?

Blogged @ 7:02 PM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Yeah! Finish changing my blogskin finally, I am so busy trying to find out what's wrong with my new blogskin, there seem to be a problem.. I get tired of keeping track, so just dump the whole thing in =] Hehe.. Hope nth gone wrong or I might just delete the whole thing away.. Changing the URL and the blogskin is going to take out all my energy, tmr I will have to catch some sleep in class.. Haix, so sleepy now.. I hope I managed to finish my hw cause I forgot got hw or not.. Watever la, jux lky that can le.. Aniwae hope my old post didn't go wrong too..

Blogged @ 9:11 PM
Don't let me go -

Just change my song, I onli change it once in a while when I have time.. So my blog can be veri boring rite? I have been posting in my other blog so U can go there and check instead ^^ http://www.cheerfulalways.blogspot.com/ I think it is quite difficult when ppl visit my blog cause I dunno which blog they go when they post as both reflect the same conversation in my tagbox.. Haix.. I feel veri tired as have to keep updating both blogs and my msn message.. My frenz from BPGH are having exams this week, that means they can enjoy themselves after this week while I still have to study, ARGH!!! So envious of them! Must remember to bother them abt exams then so they also feel lky having exam stress, hehe..

Blogged @ 5:46 PM
Don't let me go -