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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Such a long time since I blog. I dunno why, just feel like writing something. It's such a long time.. however the sense of dread come again. Why? Sometimes I dunno what to do. I saw many ppl crying today. The sense of sadness is so overwhelming. It's as though I was going through that period again, when my results give mi a big F. I know how it feels, esp when you thought all is over, you are going to retain. That time I dunno why, tears just come flowing out. All I remember is how enci help mi to squeeze that one mark in to save mi from retaining. Now, as a by-stander, you dunno what to do. The sense of helplessness. You dunno whether to stay or go. You understand ppl might not want ur comfort, they dun wan ur empty words. they dun need ur pity. On the otherhand, you are just... helpless... you dunno what to do... u can only watch and feeling sad because you felt as though ur friends don't allow you to probe in. so outside.
Sometimes you wonder isit better for u to keep quiet? I don't even feel the heart to study, or do anithing.
you feel like screaming, why don't you just let mi be?
that's all. all it takes is just one result. sometimes why don't ppl just see our character? even if that person is an all A student, seriously if his personality is not good, he is not a good employee. All I want is veri simple. Everything went back to normal.

Blogged @ 7:09 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Updating my blog...
I am posted to temasek junior college. at 1st quite ok with the sch, but by the end of the orientation L-I-K-E it! hahax. ^^ but of course, sijie I still find it veri far =P
and my orientation at 1st is like totally sian de. but I started to enjoy it and like it esp mass dance. and when it ended I feel kind of sad to part from the OG. aniway I am in OG8 with sijie!! I am veri veri lucky =P. I must buy 4D le. I also posted to same class as enci!! but i was kind of hoping we 3 all same class. cause like a long time nvr same class with them le...
hmm... I love the mass dance at suntec. cause we dancing near the fountain ma, then sprays of water will hit us sometimes. veri cool! but got one side is like totally flooded, when we pass-by there we immediately do a U-turn. then like abit high =P
and I met wan shan and jiahui. they both from chung cheng high. then we like abit crazy tgt hahax. but diff classes from them unfortunately T.T
will miss them.
but a new class must start all over again. orientation should be for classes de haiz. now have to meet new ppl again.
aniway the last nite of orientation which is last friday is like totally high, got this band playing for half-an-hour then we jumping around like mad. also follo the train of ppl for awhile. dun mind if it last till later de lor. cause veri fun ma.
then got this go green day on sat. at 1st like dunwan go de. in the end found out it is collect newspaper and old clothes from the houses. same as wad we do in sec 4 isn't it? then like rmb when doing with 406. but doing with 406 more fun of course ^^ still quite memorable, and a dog slipped out of the door when i knocking, scare mi half to death lor. =X
aniway I misses nan hua still, misses life with sixfold, misses 406' 09. when I met new ppl in sch, I dunno why but they remind mi of some ppl in nan hua. I can't wait to go back to nan hua and gossip with rachel and maybe quarrel with her again hahax.

Blogged @ 8:07 PM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I now feeling veri scared. I decided le, if I get bad results, I shall mope around someplace in singapore away from reach. away from phone connections, whr noone can find mi haha
I now spamming songs and imaging all kind of situation tmr.
I ask jess to offer mi tissue tmr if see mi crying. and ask her to offer mi hugs hahas
I hope tmr whoever need to cry is tears of joy, whoever need to smile is smiling sweetly and whoever is laughing is laughing with joy. I know results would be fix by now. but I can't help praying. praying for gd results, praying to be able to go to same jc as my best friends. I rmb 4 years ago, I was also wishing hard to go to the same sec sch as my friends.
I really really wish we all have gd news to share with each other ^^
Happiness doubles when with friends, doesn't it?
Haix... I know I never work to my fullest for this exam, but pls forgive mi. I promise I will work my hardest if I could go to my dream JC. I am willing to sacrifice my time on studies.
I was wondering tmr whether I will return crying or with smiles?
Even though my parents tell mi nvm if i dun did well.. but i can't help feeling some kind of expectation from them. I really want to do well..
I am now waiting for a phone call from jess..
I hope to say thanks to that gor gor for fixing my com. He is really a com whiz! and a kind person lolx. He fix my com and restore my contents and help mi install new components and update my com. I sooo pei fu him!

Blogged @ 11:18 PM
Don't let me go -

Friday, January 01, 2010

1st post of the year 2010!!!
i hope this year will be my lucky year just like the horoscope predicts ^^
i spent my very 1st second, my very 1st minute, my very 1st hr of 2010 doing wad u know?
Watching the fireworks at marina bay and playing cheat. lolx
actually standing there in the crowd and staring at the fireworks i duno why. i feel abit sad. 2009 passes by so quickly.. as the crowd cheers as the firework display become more interesting, i feel quite the urge to laugh. i must be crazy
but i hope this will be a new start once again. actually i must admit i am pretty lucky. i have at least a friend whenever i enter a new phrase. in the 1st 2 years of my secondary life, sijie is in the same class as i am :) then it is followed by rachel in the last 2 years in 306'08 & 406' 09
i feel more comfortable with them around ^^
but i wonder... will i always be so lucky? no matter wad, Lady Luck will nvr stay with you forever. but i am glad for the luck i had, and the ppl i have met.

i really can't bear to separate once again and settle into a new environment.. but it is inevitable. i hope luck would have it that at least one of my friends will go into the same sch as i am.. actually i am quite greedy, i hope, pray and wish that i will go into the same sch as all of my friends ^^ maybe itis an impossible dream but at least i have hope.
i want to enjoy my life with all of them, i dunwan to lose contact with them, living life separately and maybe when we grow up, we may even become strangers. that will be so sad. but i am going to persist this time, even if we separate, i will go find them hahas. i will find time to bother them, making sure they dun forget mi :p i really hope friendsforever willl still stand for eternity. ^^

i will miss the times we have

Blogged @ 3:48 PM
Don't let me go -

Monday, December 14, 2009

Today or rather ytr... since it pass 12. I finalli go to work for the 1st time as a flyer distributor. TIRING!!!! Now, I know why so many ppl dun want to work as tt le.
No.1 some ppl just ignore you lke you are transparent can.
No.2 You can't sit!!!
No.3 My hands still hurt fom carrying all that flyers
but still going to carry on becs of the high pay=.= 1hr 8 dollar not everyday can find de ma.
lucky i work for onli 3 days sice ytr is the 1st day. I onli need suffer 2 more days!!! then i can earn $$$ to spent at genting le haiz...
aniway meet mrs lee at tiong bahru plaza there. so shocked can. she live there??!!! i didn't know she has two children both boy so cute hahax.. dun tink she recognize mi lucky!!
Suddenly feel very sad, cause my mum and bros all go malaysia to visit relatives today.. 1st time i nvr go with them though.. abit lonely until my bro reply my sms =.= i didn't realise he can receive lor.. i just send for fun... though i wonder... whether my parent will faint at the phone bill next month when they realise we sent sms overseas =P
wonder how all my cousins are.. haha... though i dun really feel like meeting them.. i mean i nvr see them for 2 whole years le.. would feel like a stranger there. dunno how to react as well. besides i at loggerheads with one of my cousin.. =.= haix.
hope they come back soon. i chat on9 with one of fav cousin!!! she told mi they arrive, but they go to sleep almost immediately LOLS.. too tiring ba. hope can chat with them on9 tmr..

Blogged @ 12:43 AM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Onli one word to describe my current situation.. alone. haiz.. and they are not coming back T.T soon. but luckily I at least know how to manage my own meals, and my homework? (not) I am stuck.. I duno wad to do.. I feel so unmotivated.. I waste my 1st week of hols. u noe wad? I feel lky shooting myself in the head. but tt's not going to help!!!!!!!
Facing a big pile of undone hw.. undone revising.. undone.. wadeva. aniway sooo mani undone!!! haiz.......... I tell myself I have to.. but it's not working.. lky someone inside mi is determine not to let mi do wad i intend to.. I am frustrated with myself.. F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-E-D.
hmm.. alone in the hse got its ups and downs.. I can do wadeva I wan, but I cannot have control over myself!! I can watch TV all day.. ply com all day... and eat wad I wan!!

Blogged @ 4:04 PM
Don't let me go -